December 8 - 10
22 d :: 1 h :: 48 m :: 6 s
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December 11, 09:45 GMT+3:30

Developer Channel

Managing boundaries, balance & funding in OSS

Most technologies built today rely on the work of open-source maintainers. In addition to building highly-valued open source projects, maintainers put in long hours to build software, fix issues, field questions, and manage communities—all while figuring out monetization strategies to sustain their technologies. In this session, you’ll hear from three leaders whose meaningful contributions to the open source ecosystem have become full-time careers. We’ll dive into their lessons learned, discuss the burnout maintainers often face, and share how other developers can prevent and overcome those challenges, solve for monetization challenges, and build healthy, sustainable habits in open source. Most technologies built today rely on the work of open-source maintainers. In addition to building highly-valued open source projects, maintainers put in long hours to build software, fix issues, field questions, and manage communities—all while figuring out monetization strategies to sustain their technologies. In this session, you’ll hear from three leaders whose meaningful contributions to the open source ecosystem have become full-time careers. We’ll dive into their lessons learned, discuss the burnout maintainers often face, and share how other developers can prevent and overcome those challenges, solve for monetization challenges, and build healthy, sustainable habits in open source.

Most technologies built today rely on the work of open-source maintainers. In addition to building highly-valued open source projects, maintainers put in long hours to build software, fix issues, field questions, and manage communities—all while figuring out monetization strategies to sustain their technologies. In this session, you’ll hear from three leaders whose meaningful contributions to the open source ecosystem have become full-time careers. We’ll dive into their lessons learned, discuss the burnout maintainers often face, and share how other developers can prevent and overcome those challenges, solve for monetization challenges, and build healthy, sustainable habits in open source.

Most technologies built today rely on the work of open-source maintainers. In addition to building highly-valued open source projects, maintainers put in long hours to build software, fix issues, field questions, and manage communities—all while figuring out monetization strategies to sustain their technologies. In this session, you’ll hear from three leaders whose meaningful contributions to the open source ecosystem have become full-time careers. We’ll dive into their lessons learned, discuss the burnout maintainers often face, and share how other developers can prevent and overcome those challenges, solve for monetization challenges, and build healthy, sustainable habits in open source.

Max Base
GitHub Maintainer Developer

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